New York
Art Wave Project

Contemporary Artists from Japan
Special Summer Exhibition at Ashok Jain Gallery in New York
Part 3 : August 25th (Tue.) - September 1st. (Tue.)

H41cm x W32,5cm x D3,5cm oil on canvas, 2015 To ask the viewers to consider again what does “to see” really means, through the experience of looking to the double layered space created on the canvas

“find me ! chic” 13.1in x 9.5in 2015 Acrylic & Poster Color on canvas うさぎをモチーフにした『おとなが持てる、甘すぎない作品』をテーマに2010年より創作活動を開始。2014年New York artexpo を機に活動の場を広げ、現在に至る。

2015, Acrylic on canvas H53cm x W53cmx D1.5cm The main theme of my works is “light in the sky”. This is an image of a window, and it is one of my latest works. I use soft brush to produce delicate gradation of colors of the sky. In that way I try to create a black color that holds warmth inside. On one hand , the black part represents eternal space and emotion. I cover a canvas with burnish to make the surface glossy as lacquer. On the other hand, it show outer space. Both of them are infinte

H18cm x W18cm, 2015 Gold leaf, Acrylic on canvas 「うたかた」は、儚く消えやすいもののたとえ。 花や乙女心とは、まさしくそういうものではないでしょうか。 初めて視線を投げかける女性を描きました。

H42cm×W33cm, 2015 他者に不幸を強いることでしか、己の空虚を満たすことができない権力亡者の術

H55cm x W137cm x 3cm

Kataezome artist, illustrator, editor. I was born in Tokyo. Worked for Froebel-kan Co, Ltd, as editor of juvenile publications. Now freelancer. I have been holding private exhibitions depicting Japanese and of foreign landscapes, and animal and plant, visiting various countries including the former Soviet Union, Turkey, Greece, Spain, Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, India, Nepal, China. Switzerland, France, Italy, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Croatia.

H455mm×W388mm, 2015年 mixed media 絵画は、一般に油彩や水彩、アクリルを使って表現されていますが、私は墨をベースに表現して行きたいと思っています。墨を使った絵画は中国の墨絵や日本の水墨画がありますが、現代の美術では墨で表現して行きたいと思っています。



" Kewpie " 2013 oil on canvas 16inch x 16 inch

Landscape 2008 oil on canvas 19inch x 15 inch

"transmogrified C.face " 18 x 12 2015 C print

NY Landscape in May mixed media on canvas