New York
Art Wave Project

グランプリ:Taichi Hara (原 太一)受賞作「Legend」
Shin Miyahara (宮原伸)
Ashok Jain ( アショク・ジェーンギャラリー・オーナー, ギャラリスト )
Peter Malone (美術評論家、アート・ライター )
Savona Bailey Mcclain (ウエスト・ハーレム・アートファンド、ディレクター)
Fusako Ohta ( 元ニューヨーク・キャスト・アイアンギャラリー、オーナー兼ディレクター)
Daniela Pagnotta ( アショク・ジェーンギャラリー・オーナー,)
Sunnie Moto (美術評論家、アート・ライター)
Joseph Reid (美術評論家、アート・ライター)

Ikka Tamura(田村一花)
Kosuke Motohashi (本橋 孝祐)
Naoto Okuda(奥田ナオト)

comments from Judges~審査員からのコメント

Ashok Jain ( Ashok Jain gallery owner, gallerist )
It’s never easy to select only one best work of art from the exhibition of obviously talented and uniquely individual artists. In fulfilling our responsibilities as judges, we made a conscious choice to after careful study, we chose Taichi Hara [LEGEND]for the grand prize winner of “The Contest in New York” exhibition- Taichi Hara’s painting sounds in a more public voice. With its references to several artists work, Pieter Breughel and perhaps Georgia O’Keefe, the project could have fallen easily into parody. But Hara’s skill as a painter maintained an impressive balance between personal expression and the practical of a historical style, in addition, the skill at absorbing, appropriating and combining disparate influences and artistic styles, creating a visual journey that is entirely his own. The thought that went into the detail and intricate design of the painting was astonishing.
It was a privilege to be invited to see art of this caliber and variety, and a great pleasure to participate in to the exhibition.
Daniela Pagnotta ( Ashok Jain gallery co-owner)
Congratulations to Taichi Hara, the way to success is always difficult, but congratulations for being so brave in taking challenges in life. Taichi’s work, intense impact, excellent skill and complex visual draws on very related themes, the thought that went into the detail and intricate design of the painting was astonishing.
Peter Malone (art critic, art writer)
Congratulations for getting a special award for ”LEGEND” Taichi Hara.
It was an honor and a pleasure to serve as judge.
Ikka Tamura was my first choice. Ikka Tamura’s intricate sculptures displayed a unity that transcended their complex textures and references. Blending urban forms and mythical creatures is excellent, handling of such radically different visual sources succeeded, largely I believe by the artist’s apparent confidence that they could.
私が最初の選択したのは田村一花でした。 田村の複雑な半立体彫刻作品は、複合体のテクスチャやリファレンスを超え見事な統一感を表現しました。 都市の形と神秘的な生き物を融合させた表現力は素晴らしく、そのような根本的に異なる視覚的な源泉の取り扱いが成功していることへの、作家自身のあきらかな自信(いい意味での)が作品から溢れでていたと思います。
Savona Bailey Mcclain (West Harlem Art Fund director)
My warmest congratulations to the most voted artist, who truly deserves and award, congratulations to Taichi Hara!
I selected Madoka Suzuki as first place, the soft colors and style which is very traditional but then the suggestive nature of the work showing a complex evolution.
Sunnie Moto (Writer, art critic)
Congratulations for all the artists in the exhibition, all work’s are appealed to me intensely.
My first choice was “Human Proof” Kosuke Motohashi. I liked the dimension the artist was able to create with a single color, it is simple, practical, and beautiful, look like real organic growth. His powerful and wants to live, I feel its nature.
展覧会に展示されたすべての作品から強いアピールを受けました。展覧会に参加されたすべてのアーティストにお祝いの言葉を送ります。私の最初の選択は、本橋孝介による"Human Proof"でした。 私はアーティストが単一色で創り上げ得た次元に魅かれました。シンプルであり実用的で美しく、真からオーガニック的に成長していく様子のようにも見えます。“生”への強さと要求、その本質を感じることができた作品でした。
Fusako Ohta (Cast Iron gallery former owner& director)
Joseph Reid ( Writer, art critic)
I congratulate for the all of artists, it is beautiful and strong show, I see a lot of talented in here so It is very hard to choose the favorite one, so I pushed myself, I choose Naoto Okuda, “MORNING SUN NO.1”. His piece is like an event, it engages the viewer in a dynamic way & presents an experience of time, then how simple it was, how it didn’t even look like a painting, simply fascinating with the slightly shining lights on.
この展覧会は強烈な印象を持つ素晴らしい展覧会です、参加している全てのアーティストにお祝いの言葉を送ります。この展覧会にはとても多くの才能のあるアーティストの作品が展示されていて、その中から一点だけを選ぶのはとても困難でした。強いて選んだのは奥田ナオトさんの“MORNING SUN NO.1”です。彼の作品はイベント的で、大胆な方法で時間の経験を掲示し鑑賞者をそこに惹きつけてていきます。シンプルな表現でありながら単なる絵画におさまっていず、ほんのりと輝くライトの明かりに魅了されました。
NPO法人dessART(デザ・アート)代表 鈴木明美